
[Part 1: The Kingdoms] Four Kingdoms

Prologue/Stone Age Arc, Season 1

This is the main start of the story when Two young adults named Nicola Richard and Naofumi Iwatani joined the group operation 11 which consisted of two groups, the international tophats and the llama breach quartet (Llama Mafia). The llama mafia would later bomb the Forest of Esantiago for resources which would disrupt the ideology of young Nao. Eventually he would grief the mafia quartet, steal one of the most precious artifacts, disc 11, and escape to travel to another world. The mafia chased him down to the world borders, until they had lost him. Naofumi was teleported to a random world which had no sign of civilization. He would later meet up with new travelers named Matthew Davidson, Lilyana Enderwolfie, Charlie Davidson, and Jocelyne Jones. Together, they would make a village called neutral city where Eren Kruger would soon find them. When Eren finds him, he is kicked out the village by Naofumi’s friends.

Reconstruction Arc, Season 2

During the year 257 AD, Naofumi would gain the power of administration control, and he would advance the city with the others to create the country of Oasis. Eren Kruger would later frame Charlie, the older brother of Matthew for theft. The first ever court session was made as Charlie was appealed of all charges in work for community service.

LOKi Arc, Season 2 Part 2

Construction was made to the country with restraunts and cafes as well. Eren Kruger was caught for the crime of sneaking into the country as well as framing Charlie, which was to divert public attention so he could take back disc 11, which he was imprisoned for. Nicola Richards, Naofumi' s old time friend and many other mafia members snuck in, such at hitch and flock. Naofumi and Nicola teamed up as he began to create good relationships with the other kingdom owners as well. Nicholas Pika also joined the civilization from the wild west after a distance journey. However, a myserious LOKi would help Eren escape as he was on the loose.

Dragon and the Llama Arc, Season 3

Civilization thrived as thousands now lived within the kingdoms of Grave of Glenville, Imperial Hyrule, Lunanovia, and Farmtopia gained thousands of citizens due to the freedom and liberty of life in the country. Things were put to a halt however, as the dragon of the end, stopped people from being able to leave and enter to other worlds. The evolution team of the four kingdoms would head to the dimension of the end to slay the dragon. Unknowing to the others, Nicholas would create a blackmarket and team up with the Nicola to search for disc 11. Nicholas however, would sack the city and its resources to frame Charlie. This time, Naofumi would detect and punish Nicholas the gunslinger for crimes with community service and solitude to the first offical, Four Kingdoms District. Nicholas would later create Acacia Woods for trading as Adam Alvin, would join the community as well.

Reformation Arc, Season 3 Part 2

Neutral city was finally modernizing into neo city with streets, with the last house which belonged to Naofumi, was moved to the snowy peaks. It was known as the Fumi Acedamia. Before long, Neatswing, a well known Llamafia member would join in to secretly cause havoc on the city, which forced a famous courtroom session to appear before many people. In a turn of events, the kingdom ownership of Matthew of given to Nicholas as well as Jocelyne's to Adam Alvin. The first election for the administration power occured with sam/nick vs lily/jj. However, neatswing would attack the village once again behind everyone's back during the election. Matthew was framed and the new set of kingdom owners were Adam, Naofumi, Nicholas, and Lilyana. Eren would come back to take back disc 11 as the community storage house was blown up. Eren snagged the replica, and Naofumi used his administration powers to create a domain wall locking him from coming into the four kingdoms district.

WAR Arc, Season 4

The war was on the rise after the last cultural event between everyone. At this time however, Neatswing, Nicola, Flock, Hitch, Bakura, Destiny, and the leader of the Llama Mafia, Ren, was in the city to fight Naofumi for disc 11. Everyone was evacuated and Naofumi was outnumbered in the city with 1 to 8 as they had hack powers to manipulate the domain and the people as well. Hanzo, a fellow cityman of 4K had helped Naofumi in the strategy to stop them for once and for all. All the llamafia members were all connected through their hack powers as Neatswing could teleport people, Eren could copy abilities such as Naofumi's Administration, and Bakura had invisibility. In hindsight, If Naofumi turned off his powers, Eren could not copy them, and Neatswing would not be able teleport anyone. Naofumi would then fly through Neo City and fight them all at once. While naofumi was beaten up, the timer clocked out and the domain fell apart. The llama mafia was kicked out as the militias from the kingdoms surrounded them. They were sent back to their world and the domain was placed back. Many people moved from the four kingdoms district to the countryside of outer oasis as Naofumi and Adam went on vacation to Snow Ville.

Fall of Kingdoms Arc, Season 4 Part 2

Christopher catman had sacked neo city and Nicola Richard went to Snow Ville to propose to naofumi for disc 11. As long time friends, their friendship began to declined as Naofumi would not give it to them questioning why they needed it so bad. He thought it would be in best interests in a country such as Oasis. Nicola Richards finally, split ways with Naofumi Iwatani while the economy and country had began to decline. Joeclyne and Adam had betrayed the country before the last stand was at Fort Hateno, where most of the people had moved to. It would turn out that they were traitors for another organization who had infiltrated Oasis known as the Tophats. An all out war broke out at Fort Hateno, giving rise to a climatic ending to the era of kingdoms. However, they would later try to rebuild fort Hateno to improve morale for the people.

[Part 2: The Split] Four Kingdoms: Grand

Melancholy Arc, Season 5

After the fort hateno incident, it was found out that JJ and Adam had sealed Lilyana back to the past. She was replaced with an imposter who was the leader of the Tophats, captain Farias who was also known as Edelgard. The only way to break this curse was through the death of a kingdom owner. Naofumi would say his goodbye to all his friends he met along the way as he went to commit suicide and atone for everything.

Forgotten Oasis Arc, Season 5 Part 2

15 years later in the year 272 AD, el neutral (neo city) was a simple village again while a young teenager, Yukino Itati, was visiting from L’mattburg with his clan. Not before long, he had traveled back in time on accident by touching one of Naofumi's old weapons. He found himself in a deserted neo city and headed to fort hateno, where he was jumped by members of the international tophats. Last second, he was saved by none other than Naofumi Iwatani. He was dressed like Eren Kruger and sat down to discuss what happened to this world to Yukino. It was due to the curse of kruger than they were trapped here, as it had been in effect ever since fumi took disc 11 to the four kingdoms. This curse didn’t allow Naofumi to die and trapped him in a barren dark version of neutral city. The tophats ended up stealing the disc and traveling to another world, 2B2T. In order for them to travel again, they had to go to the command room to turn off the domain. They searched for the novia jewel in lunanovia to unlock the command room, which they found in the tomb of ysmael after many trials and mazes. Soon after, they traveled to 2B2T to the Asylum.

Asylum Arc, Season 5 Part 3

Yukino and Naofumi infiltrated the Asylum while Naofumi got caught and kidnapped by the imposter and leader of the tophats, captain Farias, the lilyana imposter. It turned out Disc 11 was not just any ordinary disc, but rather a disguised summoning device which activated SCP 9093's powers. The idea of SCP's were first introduced to him as Yukino fought SCP 096. The asylum later collapsed after captain Farias played disc 11. Yukino couldn't stop naofumi from dying again, and yukino got out last second back to the world of 4k. Unknowingly to everyone, everything was back to normal, while Adam Alvin was missing. To everybody peace seemed right on the line, while unknowingly to all the real dangers were on the other side of the sea.

The Other Side Of The Sea Arc, Season 6

In 250 AD, SCP 9093 escaped the Union Facility in the country of Nebula, one of many countries in the world such as Kei, Yang, Rin, Inessa, Yin, and Makato. Oasis was one of them, however they didn't know other countries existed. Nebula was far more advanced than oasis and they were the strongest in the world. 9093 had traveled to Oasis to hide as a nether sword in the ground, which later corrupted some land in 247 AD. 10 years later to 256 AD, the sword was corrupting and Nebula found the sword not long before they slaughtered the nearby religious monks who praised the sword. This caused an all-out war which was the First World War of Oasis and Nebula. Oasis attacked Nebula and all the SCP's were let loose. Eventually Nebula brought the war back to Oasis and the SCP's killed almost everyone in its path. Lilyana Enderwolfie pulled her ace card sleeve from her people from starcraft, and caused a multiversal spell to suck everything in the world into the nether, and turn back time one last time to a different reality. One where Naofumi was still alive and didn't kill himself. Only one person was still alive from the war after the multiversal spell, and that was Yukinoshita Itati, who was now back to a familiar reality.

My Top Mafia Arc, Season 6 Part 2

Meanwhile, on the world of 2B2T, the Llama Mafia and Tophats had met paths again, this time split. All these events were never supposed to happen and the playing of disc 11 changed 9093. The llama Mafia wanted to have it so they could break it once and for all while the Tophats wanted to use it for power. Captain Farias, who was still alive, killed Ren, the leader of the Llama Mafia, causing an all out faction war between the mafias. However, the multiversal spell only worked on the world it's used in, so time went by normal in every other world. However, Adam Alvin was a tophat the entire time, and while was traveling to the world of 2B2T, the corruption of 9093 shook the world, only transporting him to the country of nebula instead.

[Part 3: The Usurper] Four Kingdoms: The Final Season

Nebula Arc, Season 7

The year is 262 AD and Nebula was fighting a war against Tadusama in Makato. The fight has been going on for 5 years now and this was the ending point of the war. One of the SCP's that escaped was SCP 682, an extremely strong SCP. If they could steal it back from the enemy, the war was won. During this time, unlike others, A very famous respected scientist Aaron Davis has learned how to fuse SCP's to people if they possesed the right genes in order to control them. It would link to their soul and therefore, let them control the SCP's like as if it were their own body. Adam Alvin, who was working with nebula, was in control of SCP 096. Nebula had won the war due to the acts of Elsa, Dimitri, Cody, and Rocco. Adam was in deep emotional peril of betrayal of the four kingdoms during this time as well. Especially after just losing his best friend, Jj. 5 Years ago during 257 AD, adam’s trip back to four kingdoms was diverted after the corruption event, and he ended up in nebula where he told them about Oasis and 9093, which was the first goal after the 5 year war. Cut back to the future, they safely made it home to demoria city not long after, and the festival in Demoria City was starting. Aaron Davis was the owner of SCP 106 during this time, and Dimitiri Terogami helped a young war veteran do errands before the Lunalight Festival presented the declaration of independence. Dimitri brought Adam to the young veteran who turned out to be Naofumi Iwatani in disguise as eren kruger. Not long after, as they were under the stage where Anastatia was presenting the declaration of war against Oasis and Naofumi Iwatani, the stage exploded killing many as Naofumi Iwatani turned into SCP 9093. Nirvana turned into SCP 682 and they fought. Meanwhile, in the ship docks near dockville, Charlie Davidson has came in a bomber jet destroying the harbor of ships with a mini nuke. Lilyana Enderwolfie also joined the fight using her magic to paralyze SCP 682. Nicholas Pika joined the fight with his arsenals to stop 173 while Matt, Chris, and Carter helped light up the view for their incoming blimp. After Adam joined the fight about to kill naofumi, Yukino joined the fight to help the 4K, effectively stopping SCP 096 in its tracks. Naofumi Iwatani consumed SCP 682, and took it's powers and SCP Specimen from her. The four kingdoms has successfully won the battle and Elsa and Dimitri snuck onto their ship. Elsa had shot Matthew Davidson in the heart, effectively killing him not too long after. After the battle, thousands were killed and Aaron Davis was nowhere to be seen, as he was on the blimp teaming up with the 4K.

Return to Neutral Arc, Season 7

5 Years ago during 257 AD, Yukino came out the corrupted nether portal from his reality and Naofumi found him unconscious. Upon physical contact, Naofumi gained the memories of himself in every reality, and thus understood what he needed to do, which changed him from the man he used to be. During these years, they came in contact with scientists from Aaron Davis, who now knowledgeable about Naofumi Iwatani and 9093, who learned how to link his soul with the withered corrupter portal. It worked, and Naofumi Iwatani had gained the powers of SCP 9093. During this time, the four kingdoms has also finally been finished. Soon after back to the future of 262 AD post Matthew Davidson's funeral, Naofumi Iwatani was tried and sentenced to prision for war crimes such as: Genocide, Nigh-omnicide, Mass destruction, War crimes, Terrorism, High treason, Blackmail, Usurpation, Mutilation, Insurrection, Identity fraud, Parricide, Cannibalism, Conspiracy, and many other Crimes against humanity. However, the people of downtown ghosttown and neutral outskirts revolted against the government and created a cult like following of Naofumi called the Iwatanists/Clan Iwatani. His administration control and kingdom ownership was then transferred to Yukinoshita Itati as seen fit. Naofumi was moved to the Glenville prison, where he escaped not too long after. Aaron Davis was transported to the Farmtopia forest and killed the whole 4k royal guard which was led by Yukinoshita Itati. The corpses were turned into SCP's and they all attacked Yukino. He eventually killed all of them and subdued Aaron Davis, not too long after being knocked unconscious into a collapsing ravine. Davis was later discovered by the Four Kingdoms military and rushed to neutral city to meet with Naofumi as fast as possible. At the same time, Andrew Benison was reported by Claude Goodman to have been killed by the Iwatanists. Clan Iwatani had infiltrated the entire government and the kingdom owners were arrested to not interfere with Naofumi's grand plan. Everyone had went to the neutral capital and Naofumi was held at gunpoint by a fellow soldier, who was discovered easily by Naofumi as none other than Jocelyne Jones, the wielder of SCP 173. She led him to the rooftop showing where the enemies were, betraying him as the dynamite set off from under exploding him into the air, although due to SCP 682, he instantly regenerated mid-air. SCP 173 transformed and attacked him. The metro system walls were breached with secret paths from nebula to oasis, with hundreds of soldiers invading from the bottom as blimps came from the sky with Adam Alvin in charge. The war had begun between Naofumi Iwatani and Nebula, and help from other countries as well.

War for Neutral Arc, Season 7 Part 2

All of downtown ghosttown joined the Iwatanists as half the civilians joined them as well. The fighter blimps went through the flying islands and skypunk city, breaking the magic curse and collapsing it onto the neutral outskirts, killing thousands and many in the kingdom of Lunanovia. Many bomber planes attacked neutral city while some buildings fell down killing many. Naofumi Iwatani fought SCP 173 and 096 while fighting the soliders with his swords, and elytra gear. They fought in the mall as Naofumi used a wither rose to awaken his SCP 9093. Charlie, Nick, and Lily came to help Naofumi as 106 joined in to help them as well. 173 got behind 106 and sliced him all the way down the wall. Naofumi ran for Aaron, who was still half in the 106 specimen, only to get sniped in the head, touching Aaron's hand.

Courtroom Genocide Arc, Season 7 Part 2

Aaron Davis and Naofumi Iwatani were sent to the Courtroom of Life, another dimension where the aurora, the creator of the world lied. Aaron wanted to use them to create an infinite domain that couldnt be touched by any other countries to protect Oasis from any harm. Aaron manipulated Naofumi for this plan for the great good to protect Oasis once and for all. They traveled through memory lane to where Naofumi was born, Iwatani Village, where he found out his brother was none other than Eren Kruger. SCP 9093 deposited from Older Naofumi's body and massacred everybody, which was what happened so long ago. Aaron laughed and pinned the blame of Naofumi of his family's death since he couldn't do anything to stop it and it was his fault from the beginning. This moment was the reason why he wanted to rid the world of toxicity and pain to begin with. This was where Naofumi thought and sat there broken, until he finally unlocked the ability the corrupter had when disc 11 played so long ago, which was to break fate. The courtroom exploded and genocide occurred in the past while Aaron was scared of the new power Naofumi had obtained. He broke the aurora's chains, and became one with it. He killed Aaron Davis for SCP 106 and now had the full powers of SCP 9093, SCP 682, and SCP 106 corrupted to the max. He then came back to the present and turned all the stone from the rubble, buildings, and walls into withers and became the wither storm. He had summoned 1 billion withers like scp 9093 and trampled to Nebula saying: "I am Naofumi Iwatani. The people have hated us because of the destroyed universe before. However, if it wasn’t for nebula attacking the monks, none of this would have happened. I only attacked after they declared war. And as I have broken fate, anything can happen now with SCP 106, 682 and 9093. I will use this power to wither the world of toxicity and suffering. While I know there is innocents who will die, they will all be brought back with no evil within them. I will then go to each world in the katana verse and fix them ridding them of free will, until all evil is gone…"

Season of Infamy Arc, Season 7 Part 2

The Withering had begun as every person who wasn't from Oasis was targeted by withers. 893 dead…and 5,789 were injured while Yukino was nowhere to be found. Due to the circumstances, Naofumi was going to kill everyone outside of Oasis, so Adam, Jj, Cody, Elsa, Dimitri, Charlie, Nick, Lilyana, and Benji all teamed up. They went to Fort Hateno and planned to steal a boat from the docks in Portland Isla so they could meet up with the wither storm faster than it could travel so they could stop it from destroying the world. They also discussed how Yukino was M.I.A, and The New 4K team was in action. Adam and Jj fought the Iwatanists at the port when the train had more soldiers coming. Commander Cody had died and the ship takes off with the remaining people. A year ago in 261 AD, the 4K remember the good old days when they visited nebula as spies when they were informed about other countries like nebula. They tried ice-cream, watched a cage fight, saw a movie, won money from casinos, and even bought a blimp. However, that was the last time they truly ever saw their dearest friend, Naofumi Iwatani. It was a few months later, and winter has stormed the villages they were in. In the country of Rin, they stayed in Undertale Town with the local natives. Benjamin Benison commanded Charlie and Nicholas to find supplies. Nicholas Pika was caught by strays, who were after Charlie Davidson, who killed their families in the bombings on dockville in Nebula. Back during the attack on Demoria city, Charlie’s bombing had also touched the entertainment district. He took the blame since he was unarmed, and he didn't want the best brains of the group to die. In reality, nick wanted to atone for his sins in the past as he let them do as they please. They had brutally killed him and Charlie found his mutated corpse. The Iwatanists found them and Dimitri Terogami killed all of them with his newfound abilities and the village was set on fire while the winter blazed ahead. This was the first time a kingdom owner was killed, and Adam, Jj, Lily, and Charlie were the only ones who continued the mission as the rest gave up. They headed towards the Tadunkian sea and as by now, close to the entire world had been killed by the withering. Only 3 countries were left, Oasis, Makoto, and Inessa. Of course Naofumi would not use the withering to destroy Oasis. The last military fleet had came to stop Naofumi Iwatani, but it was no use. The Wither Storm which was naofumi was enormous now, and Jj and Adam jumped from the plane onto 9093. In mere seconds, Jj was killed and her SCP was consumed by Naofumi, now holding 4 SCP Specimen, 106, 682, 9093, and now 173. The remaining 4K was annihilated as the plane crashed into the nearby towers of town. Charlie shot one bullet with his sniper into the eye, and parachuted away. Adam was KO'd, and Lilyana was hit into a nearby forest. The Wither Storm reached the command block in the sea, and gained corrupted administration control. Naofumi had reached the world borders, and transcended them to see every other world in the universe, in the Katanaverse. On the rainbow bridge, there were 50 million different SCP’s and ships from other countries all lined up from the distress call Charlie Davidson sent out. This was known as the Second Great SCP War, and the battle was of bloodshed and tears. Naofumi eventually had won. Naofumi then ended up killing trillions of lives on other worlds for a whole year until the great return of the limit break and the forbidden one.

The Last of Us Arc, Season 7 Part 3

Yukinoshita Itati wakes up after 1 year in 263 AD and is greeted by Nompholio, a 17 year old boy who led him to where Captain Benjamin of F.O.X was being detained. Yukino used his family treeline power Limit Break to save him from the Wolves detainers who wanted Charlie Davidson’s location. They all went back to Partisan city, one of many bases created after the withering. There were only a few areas naofumi didn’t touch, and that was the countries of Inessa, Makoto, Oasis, and the bottom half of Nebula. The main leader of F.O.X was Dimitri Terogomi. Lilyana Enderwolfie was dying from Withering Radiation Cancer (Witherspoon), after she was got hit so long ago. Charlie Davidson was AWOL and hunted by every bounty hunter. Lily’s last wish was to bring Charlie home and Charlie had his own mafia with connections to the cartel. He was in the city of Los Sephora. Many people from the past were now withered zombies and infected others who weren’t. There were many gang wars and the Ponta Squad wanted him dead. Dimitri, Yukino, and Nompholio all were persued by Iwatanists until Charlie found them. They all got in cars and went for the highway as Yukino flew fighting the helicopters while Charlie shot the men on the road. Eventually, Charlie met lily one last time, before she passed on which convinced him to join the squad to plan how to stop Naofumi. Charlie’s tracking bullet from back then had showed his location and where he was at all times. The plan was to find transportation like blimps, head back to oasis island, and find the mythical cubes from the legend of the forbidden one. If they could find them, they could use exodia to erase the corrupter or SCP 9093 from existence. They all formed as a group, Benjamin Benison, Charlie Davidson, Yukinoshita Itati, Dimitri Terogami, and Nompholio. They called themselves, The Revengers. The Iwatani Revengers.

Return to Oasis Island Arc, Season 7 Part 3

The Revengers attacked Iwatani Island and Adam Alvin infiltrated the Iwatanists. He joins them and they steal the blimps from Christopher Catman and the rest of the Iwatanists as their island is bombed for good, riding of clan IWATANI . And so, in 263 AD, the 4K, now the Iwatani Revengers, returned to their homeland, of Oasis Island, or more specifically, the district of Four Kingdoms, and of course, Neutral. Neutral city was mostly overgrown with nature after all the damage and the Revengers and the F.O.X military split up into groups. Squad A went with Yukino to the End of the world dimension to get the End Cube, Squad B went with Dimitri to the Hell Dimension, and finally the rest went with Squad C with charlie into downtown ghostown. They all knew the locations from Naofumi’s old book about it in lunanovia library, which was in rubble from the fallen sky islands and skypunk city ruins. After they had found all of them, they shortly regrouped back at imperial castle. They were about to combine all 3 cubes when Naofumi Iwatani appeared before them. After the arguments between the two parties, withers began to come in from the ends of Oasis slowly closing in as all the soldiers of Oasis, Nebula, and all the countries left to fight the war joined in. This was the Third Great SCP WAR. Naofumi Iwatani killed almost all this soldier simultaneously and it was because that naofumi didn’t want to kill his friends, that he split his SCP Powers separately to fight them. SCP 106 manipulated boulders at the walls collapsing as SCP 9093 was in the outskirts while 173 was in neutral city. Naofumi kept 682 for himself, however. They only had 2 hours before the withers would gather in, and Commander Benjamin led all the 4K remaining soldiers of F.O.X to death in a suicide charge as Dimitri Terogami ran on the Inner Neutral Border Walls to generate enough speed and strength to kill SCP 106, which he did. Lilyana’s Novia Phantom Ghost, which was sworn to the Four Kingdoms until the day Naofumi died, closed off every the kingdom borders with domains from Imperial Hyrule to Farmtopia off from the rest of the kingdoms and neutral city. This made it so Naofumi could not gain back the powers of 106. Yukino arrived back heroically and fought Naofumi in Imperial Hyrule Castle, and they flew out at battled too. Yukino used Naofumi’s old sword the katana zero as well as duel wielding the sword from under the grave of Glenville, the Consitution. Soon after, portals opened from across the universe from Eren Kruger with the Llama Mafia and Tophats, who were forced to team up to take on a bigger threat. Charlie called the distress call and they answered. Naofumi and Yukino fought on the Hateno Hills as Naofumi’s brother Eren Iwatani (Eren Kruger), joined to fight Naofumi with him. After Eren revealed himself being Naofumi’s brother, they clashed in ideals. He fought naofumi while Nompholio turned into SCP 217 to kill SCP 173 by destroying every cell with his virus. Meanwhile, Charlie and the hackers made a bedrock Prision to entrap 9093 and used Adam as bait to hood him down. Charlie fell in trying to close the final gaps and almost died. Naofumi turned into a huge giant SCP 682 monster near Portland Isla while Eren created a corrupted dragon from the end to fight naofumi. Naofumi finally beat Eren as they fell down to the ground. Yukino and Naofumi then fought one last time on the hateno bridge. Eren opened up the void and when Yukino and naofumi made their final clash, naofumi was knocked into the void as 173 was finally killed. The bedrock was placed back and Naofumi couldn’t get back up. Yukino used the 3 creation cubes to summon the 3 dragons to nature to form exodia, and in the final tide of the war, had called exodia to obliterate the corrupter, which was the only known way to rid 9093 of its life. Yukino and the rest of the revengers tried to save Eren’s life, now knowing he wasn’t truly a bad guy this whole time, but he finally died in peace. At the end of the fight, only Charlie Davidson, Nompholio, Dimitri Terogami, and Yukinoshita Itati were alive of the 4K. 10 years later, in 273 AD, a union between Yukino and Dimitri was created with a new land between Nebula and Oasis called the Enchanted Oasis. Oasis was now a national park and hateno hills had the faces of all those who had died on them as a memorial to all those who lost their lives. Yukino had a family and a son named Naomi Itati and a daughter named Violet with a wife named Celicia. While they visited with their children, yukino happened to run into Charlie, the last kingdom owner. Thus started a peace and prosperity for years to come…